project leeuwarden 1 1

Fries Landbouwmuseum insulated with Aluthermo Quattro

The museum of agriculture Frysk Lanbou, abroad the province better known as “Fries Landbouwmuserum”, will be renovated. The construction company Kimsma from Leeuwarden recently started with the complex restoration of the landmarked monument. Architect Marten Atsma is the project responsible...
ademend dakisolatie aluthermo roofreflex 1. e1498658530105

Let your house “breathe” with ROOFREFLEX

In the first place, the client wanted to use our Aluthermo Quattro. After noticing on-site that there already was insulation between the rafters, our technical advisor Geert recommended our Aluthermo Roofreflex. As it is watertight and highly vapour-permeable, it protects...
dak isoleren aluthermo quattro 1 e1494324110718

Roof renovation of an annex with Quattro

The client wanted to insulate his roof without changing the appearance and without working from the inside as the attic had already been occupied. Facing this challenge, the roofer recommended insulating from the exterior with our Aluthermo Quattro: Aluthermo Quattro...
project Gierle isolatie aluthermo 1

Roof insulation of a new building with Roofreflex

On the architect’s recommendation, the company Inextenso placed Roofreflex on this beautiful residence. The client chose for Roofreflex because of different reasons: He wanted to prevent thermal bridges by rolling out Roofreflex above the rafters without losing any space. Furthermore,...
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