
insulating panel

The thin insulating panel with ALUTHERMO®

Insulating your home properly can have real consequences on your daily life but also in the long term. Poor insulation of the walls, floors or roof of your home can lead to heat loss and overuse of your heating system.

By choosing a quality insulation, you will gain in comfort and you will reduce your electricity bills. You will also be taking a step towards a more environmentally friendly home by using your heating more sparingly.

Are you in the process of renovating or building your home and are you looking for the most suitable insulation for your situation? There are many types of insulation, but you still need to find the one that will meet your expectations.

Choosing thin insulation panels will certainly be an exceptional solution in order to find a quality insulation in your house! Major advantages for a house that’s a pleasure to live in!

Aluthermo®, thin insulation panels for your home

Thin insulation panels are composed of multiple layers of insulation and reflective layers that make thin insulation panels a great ally for your home.

Are you curious about how thin insulation panels work, do you want to know more about the composition of this insulation, or do you want to understand how such a thin insulation can be so efficient? Then don’t hesitate to contact Aluthermo®, your specialist in thin insulation in Belgium!

The advantages of thin insulation panels

Thin insulation panels are reflective and will, unlike some insulators that try to slow down the heat, reflect the heat to prevent it from reaching your home.

No need for a thick layer of insulation with this method. Thin insulation is, as its name suggests, thin and offers a high performance thermal and acoustic insulation for your home.
Is the heat trying to reach your house by conduction, convection, thermal radiation or via the humidity of your interior?

Then you should know that the insulating materials offered by Aluthermo® are designed to resist these various attacks thanks to thin insulating materials that are impermeable to air and humidity, with an aluminium foil that is effective against transmission by radiation and other components that slow down heat transfer by conduction.

These are considerable advantages that can also be found on the rolls of thin insulation to be discovered at Aluthermo®, the specialist in thin insulation in Belgium!

Les avantages offerts par les panneaux d’isolant mince

Les panneaux d’isolant mince sont réfléchissants et vont, à contrario de certains isolants qui vont plutôt essayer de freiner l’avancée de la chaleur, refléter la chaleur afin d’éviter que celle-ci n’atteigne votre intérieur.

Pas besoin d’une couche imposante pour votre isolant grâce à cette méthode. L’isolant mince est, comme son nom l’indique, fin et offre une isolation thermique et acoustique performante pour votre habitation.

La chaleur tente de rejoindre votre maison par conductionconvectionrayonnement thermique ou via l’humidité de votre intérieur ?

Alors, sachez que les isolants proposés par Aluthermo® sont conçus pour résister à ces diverses attaques grâce à des isolants minces imperméables à l’air, à l’humidité, doté d’une feuille en aluminium efficace contre les transmissions par rayonnement et d’autres composants freinant le transfert de chaleur par conduction.

Ce sont des avantages considérables que l’on retrouve également sur les rouleaux d’isolants minces à découvrir chez Aluthermo®, le spécialiste de l’isolation mince en Belgique !